So, if you are using Thunderbird 68, you should install the new compatible Thunderbird add-on named ImportExportTools NG. ImportExportTools NG für Thunderbird 4.0.4 Englisch: Das kostenlose Add-on "Import Export Tools NG" macht es sehr einfach, Mails in Thunderbird zu exportieren und importieren.

A. L'onglet "Gestionnaire de modules complémentaires" pour Thunderbird 68.

Je vais modifier mon article dans la semaine. In case you do not know, the old add-on named ImportExportTools does not support any version above Thunderbird 60. This derivative add-on is the update of ImportExportTools, the original work of Paolo “Kaosmos”. Pour les différentes manipulations proposées, nous choisirons l'extension "ImportExportTools NG", qui permet d'importer ou exporter des dossiers de messages. ImportExportTools NG by Christopher Leidigh Christopher Leidigh is working with Thunderbird core developers in the tb-planning mailing list. Cordialement. I don't ever remember installing an add on to manage backups. ImportExportTools NG adds import and export functions for messages, folders and profiles. Windows 10にThunderbird 68.0をインストールし、importexporttools-ng-4.0.1-tb.xpiのアドオンをインストールしたのですが、うまくいきません。 アド Bonjour, suite à votre mail, je me suis repenché sur le sujet. Technique 2: Thunderbird ImportExportTools not working on the latest version of Thunderbird. I did just try installing importexporttools-ng via your link, but it doesn't look familiar, and it doesn't offer to backup when I exit TBird nor does there seem to be an option anywhere that allows for that. … Reportez-vous à la fiche "Sauvegarde des messages" pour un exemple d'utilisation de ce module. It allows a user to perform several actions such as Importing mailbox folders in Thunderbird, Exporting email messages in multiple file formats from Thunderbird, etc. ImportExportTools is an important application in Thunderbird which increases its functionality. Import Export Tools NG.

The add-on is being updated for Thunderbird 68 (and 60) so that users can continue to enjoy the functionality of this great add-on. There are many situations in which a user wishes to export/import emails from Thunderbird. This application is not available in Thunderbird by default, so you have to download it manually in Add-ons. But there is no provision available for this process. J’ai testé avec le module (importExportTools NG), mais je dois faire un test complet avant de modifier mon article. Thanks for your reply and suggestion. Oui, il faut installer une extension à Thunderbird.

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