This region is characterized by rainfall throughout the year, but it is heaviest in summer. Climate Archives: Monsoon. In Myanmar Discover the rapidly evolving cultural and ethnic wealth of the country Temperate, dry winter, hot summer.

This list of locations with a subtropical climate specifically lists locations considered within the subtropics. These climates are found primarily in southern and southeastern Asia and have the combined abbreviation Am…. List of locations with a subtropical climate. In these regions winters are quite dry and summers have very heavy rainfall.

The subtropics are geographic and climate zones located roughly between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic …

02/03/2018 . The humid subtropical marine climate is restricted to the southeast coast of Africa. In some areas with a humid subtropical climate (most notably southeast China and North India), there is an even sharper wet - dry season, called subtropical monsoon or Cwa. …to wet equatorial climates, tropical monsoon and trade-wind littoral climates exhibit a short dry season, usually in the low-sun (“winter”) season, and the highest temperatures generally occur at the end of this clear spell. A present-day analog for future trends is thus identified whereby the intensity of subtropical dry zones in models associated with the boreal monsoon is strongly linked to projected cloud trends, reflected solar radiation, and model sensitivity.

The coldest month averaging above 0 °C (32 °F), at least one month's average temperature above 22 °C (71.6 °F), and at least four months averaging above 10 °C (50 °F). Myanmar – The Golden Land of Gold-Hearted People. In South Africa, south of KwaZulu-Natal, the winter rainfall is more pronounced, and the temperatures are a little…. Africa: Climatic regions.

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