Firefox 68 is out: New dark reader view, better extensions, enterprise IT controls. The icon is the same (Darth Vader helmet with glasses)

Firefox 68 ushers in Mozilla's new recommended add-on program. The basic idea of the extension is to turn any website design to a dark theme design for better readability especially at night …

You can also change website’s font, increase or decrease the font size and change the background color. Dark Reader is a popular browser extension for Google Chrome which its developer, Alexander Shutov, released for Mozilla Firefox recently. There are two extensions that allow you to enable dark mode for web pages so your whole browser becomes dark. And it's version 2.0.2, last update December 2019. One highlighted feature out of them is the dark theme for Firefox or Firefox black theme which in my opinion is outrageous, and you will love to try it. It basically inverts the colors on web pages. But you can enable dark mode in Firefox today, on any operating system, and without installing any third-party themes.

With default settings, the Firefox browser comes with the light theme. Enable Firefox Dark Theme. This works on Windows 7, Windows 10, macOS, and Linux. Wait, my addon is called Dark Mode but the description says Dark Reader. Dark Reader (Chrome and Firefox) Dark Reader turns web pages dark in Chrome and Firefox. Une fois installé, l’extension Dark Reader va modifier toutes les couleurs claires par défaut de tous les sites web que vous visitez en couleurs foncées.. De plus, une icône s’ajoute dans la barre d’outils de votre navigateur avec laquelle vous pouvez interagir. Firefox will soon begin respecting Windows 10’s dark app mode setting.
Reader view mode in Firefox Preview strips away images, ads, videos and menus from a web page, so you can focus on reading. Présentation en images, captures d'écran, screenshots de Dark Reader pour Firefox à télécharger sur 01net
Dark Reader.

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