The USB is a little-endian bus and so any integer value larger than 1 byte should be sent least-significant byte first. The configuration descriptor consists of … Developer Advocate in Tokyo You can influence the way your site appears when shared via social media by adding a few lines of code to each page. Fundamentals Tools Updates Case Studies Language Bahasa Indonesia Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Nederlands Polski Português – Brasil Tiếng Việt Türkçe Русский العربيّة हिंदी ภาษาไทย 中文 – 简体 中文 – 繁體 日本語 한국어 The web app manifest is a JSON file that gives you the ability to control how your web app or site appears to the user in areas where they would expect to see native apps (for example, a device's home screen), direct what the user can launch, and define its appearance at launch. Tutorials, guides, and best practices for building the next generation of web experiences. In this article, find out why performance matters, and learn what you can do to make the web faster for everyone. Pause video on page visibility change By Eiji Kitamura. Historically, web performance has been measured with the load event. Thanks to mobile device and network proliferation, more people are using the web than ever before. Security is a big topic, learn about HTTPS, why it's important and how you can deploy it to your servers. Having a manifest is required by Chrome to show the Add to Home Screen prompt. This could also affect the current playback as in picking a different track, pause it, or even show custom buttons to the user for instance. Once you've audited a site, make sure to package the results in a digestible form. Best practices for modern web development. By Eiji Kitamura. Chances are that you'll be able to make simple improvements that are good for all your users. However, even though load is a well-defined moment in a page's lifecycle, that moment doesn't necessarily correspond with anything the user cares about. HTTPS is implemented using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. Pause video on page visibility change

The Payment Request API makes it easy for a browser to pass payment credentials, such as credit card details, to a merchant. Web Fundamentals Social Discovery.

Fundamental UI and UX problems Web Fundamentals Tools Updates Case Studies Web NFC starts its origin trial. Contribute to google/WebFundamentals development by creating an account on GitHub. Tools. APIs such as the Service Worker, Google Maps API, and File API must be served over HTTPS.

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