problems starting after installing an extension, or other features not functioning properly), the first thing you're usually asked to do in the tech support forum is to create a new profile. To assure that you have copied your data correctly from your old computer to your new one, open Thunderbird. If you have installed Lightning, Thunderbird's calendar add-on, it will automatically be updated to match the new version of Thunderbird. 3. Since Windows 10 does not carry any run command, it makes the most preferred manual way of using Thunderbird profile manager useless in most scenarios. Create a new profile. In this method first search for the folder of your profile in your present Machine.

If you do not have one then go to the All Apps, scroll to Mozilla Thunderbird and drag its icon onto the Desktop. Try it to move Thunderbird with profile folder including emails, contacts, appointments, calendars, address books, settings, saved passwords, and other data from one PC to another.

Once launched, you will see that your old settings, emails, and profile now reside on your new computer. All you need to do is copy the Thunderbird user data folder over to the new computer, then run Thunderbird using the "-profilemanager" switch, then point Thunderbird to your old profile directory. So, to import old profile into Thunderbird email application first, you have to get your all emails from Profile Directory (Profile Folder), then you can import into Thunderbird.

If your profile was at C:\Users\JohnSmith\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\xyz.default you would only copy xyz.default. The profile is stored on your hard drive in a profile folder. Some essential features provided by Thunderbird Backup The easiest tutorial teaches how to transfer Thunderbird to a new computer while keeping all the data and profile folder is created here. Refer to this Calendar troubleshooting article in case of problems.

How to Move Thunderbird to New Computer – Official Method. To start the Profile Manager in Windows, follow these steps: Close Thunderbird completely (select File > Exit from the main menu of Thunderbird).

So we have come up with another way to transfer Thunderbird to new computer. Run it.

Don't delete anything until you've verified you managed to use that profile on the new PC. Don't copy Profiles\xyz.default. Thunderbird version 68.2.2 provides an automatic update from Thunderbird version 60. When users move from one system to another, it becomes imperative for them to move Mozilla Thunderbird’s data profile to another computer.

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