How External Access for Microsoft Teams Works Teams Gets Guests Long anticipated and much promised, Microsoft launched external access for Teams on September 11 (here’s a … These notifications can include security codes for two-step verification and account update information, such as password changes. If you'd like to include a dial-in number and conference ID for your Teams meeting, do one of the following: Schedule the Teams meeting from Outlook. Schedule the meeting from Teams, but make sure PSTN conferencing is turned on for your account. The expanded guest account capabilities for Microsoft Teams means you can add anyone with an email address to the collaboration platform. If you get an email from Microsoft account team and the email address domain is, it is safe to trust the message and open it.Microsoft uses this domain to send email notifications about your Microsoft account. For policy reasons we have to enable multi factor auth for all Office 365 accounts. Microsoft Teams wurde zuletzt am 21.03.2020 aktualisiert und steht Ihnen hier in der Version 1.3.0 zum Download zur Verfügung. (Talk to your IT admin if you're not sure.) I made a lot of tests, trying to configure the multi factor access using the phone call, but there’s no way to have this working on the Teams Rooms device. Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games. How can we manage this requirement for a Teams Rooms Account?

Those meeting details are automatically included.

I am following the MS Doc but for auto attendant I need a resource account and it says I need to go to Org-wide settings > Resource accounts which I do not have. Hi all, I am trying to set up an auto attendant and call queue for Teams, however in the admin portal I do not have either option.

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