In order to publish apps to the Google Play market, you must sign up as a Google Play developer. Veröffentlichung in Google Play Publishing to Google Play. Para conseguir que nuestra app tenga el máximo número posible de usuarios es imprescindible publicarla en Google Play.

To ensure that our app has the maximum number of users is essential to publish it on Google Play. About Universal App Campaigns. The only details you need to provide are an app's title and APK, and most apps are ready for distribution within 10 minutes. Creating a Google Play Developer account requires that you have a traditional Google account available. Chrome browser and the Chrome Web Store will continue to support extensions. In this tutorial we show you how to publish your application on Google Play. To promote your app through ads, you can create a Google Ads Universal App Campaign or manage existing campaigns from your Play Console.

Create a campaign

Managed Google Play's private app publishing iframe lets you publish private apps directly from your EMM console. This article will walk you through the steps of setting up your account. Almost every Android devices have installed an access to Google Play, for this reason Google Play is the place where most users go to find their Android apps. 02/16/2018; 12 Minuten Lesedauer; In diesem Artikel.

Read the announcement and learn more about migrating your app..

Obwohl es eine Reihe von App-Märkten für das Vertreiben von Anwendungen gibt, ist Google Play bei Weitem der weltweit größte und am häufigsten besuchte Store für Android-Apps.

Important: Chrome will be removing support for Chrome Apps on all platforms.

Starting by generating and uploading the APK file to the completion of the Google Play page information. Nachdem Sie ein Google Play-Entwicklerkonto eingerichtet haben, können Sie mit der Play Console Apps bei Google Play hochladen. Before You Begin. How to publish apps on Google Play. To learn where your ads can appear and how they display with a Universal App Campaign, go to the Google Ads Help Center. Publish Your App. Casi todos los dispositivos Android llevan de origen un acceso a Google Play, por este motivo Google Play es el sitio donde la mayoría de usuarios van a buscar sus aplicaciones para Android. Tipp: Verwenden Sie beim Erstellen Ihrer App das von Google Play … Packaged apps are published in the same way as other types of apps in the Chrome Web Store.

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