Ships to Anywhere in the world. The New Omnia Range. Gallium Nitride Valley. View on Indiegogo. Aukey details 100W Omnia USB-C GaN Charger. Estimated delivery Jun 2020. Over 4-months after first being announced by Aukey, its new Omnia 100W USB-C Charger is finally getting a full unveil today.

The new range of fast chargers from Aukey incorporating GaNFast Technology.

With not one but 4 high power charging ports.

Credit card size HyperJuice is the world's first 100W Gallium Nitride charger and also the world's smallest 100W charger that is 50% smaller than current traditional chargers. This is the problem with KS products: they sound good on paper -- actually aren't. Heat dissipation is pretty bad on regular-sized chargers as is since some laptops draw from both the battery and the charger, so I can't imagine something even smaller would perform better especially when used for an extended period. Gallium Nitride is the silicon of the future. 100W CHARGIC GaN Charger Type-C to Lightning Cable 4-in-1 Type-C To Type-C / Micro USB / USB-A Cable Less. Reward no longer available 4 backers Shipping destination As one of the most versatile accessories in the brand’s current stable, the new charger is equipped to handle refueling everything from the latest 16-inch MacBook Pro, which can be topped off in only 1.9-hours. Credit card size 100W charger that quick charges 4 devices: laptop, tablet, smartphone & USB mobile device, all at the same time HyperJuice: World’s First 100W GaN USB-C Charger. World’s First 2C1A 65W Multiport GaN Charger. Buy Now (Amazon USA) Buy Now (Wall Mart USA) Buy Now (China) HYPER by Sanho Corporation is raising funds for HyperJuice: World's First & Smallest 100W GaN USB-C Charger on Kickstarter! Launching this week from our friends at Hyper, the latest HyperJuice product is the world’s first and smallest 100W GaN USB-C charger on the market.. Below we go hands-on with the new charger …

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