HyperJuice 100W GaN USB-C charger; HyperJuice 100W GaN USB-C charger. My only complaint is not having a built-in extension cord option like the Mac charger. Stock 96 watt charger: a hair under 92 watts (like ~91.93) HyperJuice: a hair over 94 watts (like ~94.06) As far as heat goes, the Apple charger is significantly hotter. Check here. A while back Anker was set to supposedly release their Atom PD 4 which was supposed to be a 100W GaN charger as well, and ultimately they retracted it because I think their product wasn't ready and they took their product off Amazon after a day or so, and they now market it without the GaN, so I'm assuming its now a regular silicon power supply. Celebrating our 15th year anniversary in 2020, HYPER by Sanho Corporation is a dynamic team based in Silicon Valley, California. Having issues with the GaN charger? Credit card size HyperJuice is the world's first 100W Gallium Nitride charger and also the world's smallest 100W charger that is 50% smaller than current traditional chargers. Does it stay on wall socket steady when it is plugged in?

How is the power distributed?

We specialize in delivering award winning, cutting edge IT & mobile accessories with a focus on Apple, portable power, data storage & connectivity products -> Read More

My only complaint is not having a built-in extension cord option like the Mac charger. Credit card size 100W charger that quick charges 4 devices: laptop, tablet, smartphone & USB mobile device, all at the same time pledged of $100,000 goal 27,942 backers Support.

The project was successfully funded on 10th December 2019 after raising a total of US$2,200,642 out of their initial goal of US$100,000 from 27,942 backers. It tops out at over 130 degrees while the GaN charger levels off at 99/100. Launching this week from our friends at Hyper, the latest HyperJuice product is the world’s first and smallest 100W GaN USB-C charger on the market.. Below we go hands-on with the new charger … 日本ではMakuakeにて出資募集が始まったばかりですが、すでにKickstarterやIndiegogoでは大成功を収めております。 Select this reward. The credit card size HyperJuice is the world’s first 100W Gallium Nitride charger and also the world’s smallest 100W charger that is 50% smaller than current traditional chargers. Features of the HyperJuice 100W GaN USB-C charger include : – Pocket-friendly. この 『HyperJuice 100W GaN USB-C Charger(HyperJuice 100W GaN ACアダプタ)』 は、MacBook Airのモバイルバッテリーで古くからおなじみのHYPER(Sanho Corporation)から出ているUSB PD充電器。. You can pre-order it now on Kickstarter. HyperJuice 100W GaN USB-C Charger is a 4-port charger that is started from Kickstarter.. So far, so good. With not one but 4 high power charging ports. HYPER by Sanho Corporation is raising funds for HyperJuice: World's First & Smallest 100W GaN USB-C Charger on Kickstarter! Estimated delivery Jan 2020. Stock 96 watt charger: a hair under 92 watts (like ~91.93) HyperJuice: a hair over 94 watts (like ~94.06) As far as heat goes, the Apple charger is significantly hotter.

While HyperJuice will quick charge the Samsung Note 10 using USB-C Power Delivery. How efficient is the GaN charger at charging the iPhone? Below we go hands-on with the new charger … This new HyperJuice 100W GaN charger could be the charger of your dreams. Yes, the HyperJuice 100W GaN Charger will be able to fast charge the 16” MacBook Pro at 96W. Last updated: November 13, 2019 09:12. HyperJuice: World's First & Smallest 100W GaN USB-C Charger San Francisco, CA Product Design $2,200,642. New, 9 comments. It tops out at over 130 degrees while the GaN charger levels off at 99/100. Does it include the AUS plug adapter? With dual USB-C and dual USB-A ports, the 4-port credit card size HyperJuice is also the smallest 100W charger … The credit card size HyperJuice is the world’s first 100W Gallium Nitride charger and also the world’s smallest 100W charger that is 50% smaller than current traditional chargers.

Does the HyperJuice GaN charger support PPS charging of Samsung Note 10? Less. Pledge $1 or more About $1 Virtual Hi-Five Pledge $1 or more to give us moral & spiritual support.

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