To support the OAuth 2.0 implicit flow, your service makes an authorization endpoint … A typical OAuth 2.0 implicit flow session initiated by Google has the following flow: Google opens your authorization endpoint … Best practice: Create your own OAuth2 endpoint proxy. In the proxy overview page, select the Develop tab to bring up the proxy editor, and examine the policies and flows in the proxy. The Google OAuth 2.0 endpoint supports applications that are installed on devices such as computers, mobile devices, and tablets. The token endpoint is the endpoint on the authorization server where the client application exchanges the authorization code, client ID and client secret, for an access token. Insert the URLs for your Authorization and Token Exchange endpoints. Implement your OAuth server.
Any client which is designed to work with OpenID Connect should … When a Google application needs to call one of your service's authorized APIs, Google uses this endpoint to get permission from your users to call these APIs on their behalf.
Google's OAuth 2.0 authentication system supports the required features of the OpenID Connect Core specification. When you create a client ID through the Google API Console … If you use a Google client library for OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization, you create and configure an object that defines these parameters. In the list of proxies, select the one called oauth. Assign a value to Client ID issued by your Actions to Google to identify requests coming from Google. If you call the Google OAuth 2.0 endpoint … The default oauth proxy …
Redirect Endpoint The redirect endpoint is the endpoint in the client application where the resource owner is redirected to, after having granted authorization at the authorization endpoint. Click Save.